Why does DragFactor start then stop suddenly
here are some possible explanations
The Installation
Note the DragFactor v1.6 location in the pic below, totally wrong. It looks like its been installed then installed again, giving the double-up. It should be C:\DragFactor v1.6..
The Trackpack
This list of folders should have 1 called 'Locations' that fits between 'Helmets' & 'Nations'. DragFactor wont run without tracks in it
Laptop Screen Resolution
Laptop screen resolutions generally max out at about 1360 x 768, this user was trying to display DragFactor on a TV screen and decided to
set the resolutions to 1920 x 1080, once he changed it back to what the laptop would accept, DragFactor started working.
Shader Levels
Incorrect Shader Level can stop DragFactor working, make sure its set to DXT9 not DXT7